Effective Date: January 1, 2020
The Rules of the USGA govern play, and where applicable by the above Local Rules posted on each Scorecard please see 'Scorecards' under Golf Tab.
Play on the golf courses is governed by United States Golf Association (USGA) Rules, with the exception of any local rules, which take precedence when printed on a scorecard or posted. Additional rules, regulations, procedures, and policies may be established by Club Management and will be available in the Pro Shop. Such rules, regulations, procedures, and policies shall supplement these Rules and Regulations.
The Director of Golf (or his or her designated personnel), acting under the supervision of the Club Manager(s), has responsibility for all matters relating to play on the golf courses. The Director of Golf may refuse privileges to anyone who, in his or her judgment, violates the rules of play, etiquette or dress code. The Director of Golf, Pro Shop personnel and the course marshals are empowered to enforce all golf course Rules and Regulations. A violation of any golf rule may result in a fine and/or a violation letter written to the Member by the Club Manager(s).
Members are required to familiarize themselves, their families and their guests with the rules and etiquette of golf as outlined in the United States Golf Association (USGA) handbook. Failure to abide by USGA rules is considered a violation of these Rules and Regulations.
Every player must have a set of golf clubs and a golf bag.
Every player must present their membership card or guest identification if requested.
Players can only have one ball in play while on the golf courses except when pursuant to USGA Rules a provisional ball is to be played.
Tee reservations for golf may be made up to five (5) days in advance. Tee times are taken at the Pro Shop on a phone basis only beginning at 8:00 AM on weekdays and 8:00 AM on Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. Walk in tee reservations will be taken fifteen (15) minutes after phone reservations have begun. A Member may request up to two (2) tee times for the same day. A Member failing to appear or cancel on or before the day of their tee time resulting in an unused tee time will not be allowed to secure a tee time for the same day of the following week. The schedule for securing tee reservations is as follows:
Tuesday for Saturday tee times Walk ins accepted at 8:15
Wednesday for Sunday tee times Walk ins accepted at 8:15
Thursday for Tuesday & Holidays/Monday tee times Walk ins accepted at 8:15
Friday for Wednesday tee times Walk ins accepted at 8:15
Saturday for Thursday tee times Walk ins accepted at 8:15
Sunday for Friday tee times Walk ins accepted at 8:15
Players without reservations shall be assigned available tee times that have not been reserved.
No more than five (5) players per group are permitted, unless prior approval has been obtained from the Director of Golf. All five players must ride (no walkers are allowed in fivesomes). Fivesomes will be allowed on weekends and holidays if the pace of play is maintained. Marshals will monitor fivesomes pace of play. The Marshals shall move the faster groups through or have the slower groups advance to the next hole.
In the case of groups with fewer than four players, the Pro Shop personnel or the starter, at their discretion, may fill the group with waiting players.
Limited to six (6) visits per year for golf play with a maximum of one (1) visit every two months. Participation in member/guest tournaments and inter-club team competition will not apply toward the every two months limitation. No more than three (3) guests per Member are permitted at any time unless approved in advance by Club Management. Guest fees will be charged at the Pro Shop prior to play. Failure to register or pay guest fees may result in a violation or loss of golf privileges. Any visit that has exceeded the limit will incur an additional fee* of $275 each round.
Member GUEST PLAY – Tennis/Social Memberships
Limited to four (4) visits per year for golf play with a maximum of one (1) visit every quarter. Participation in member/guest tournaments will not apply toward the every two months limitation. No more than three (3) guests per Member are permitted at any time unless approved in advance by Club Management. Guest fees will be charged at the Pro Shop prior to play. Failure to register or pay guest fees may result in a violation or loss of golf privileges Any visit that has exceeded the limit will incur an additional fee* of $275 each round.
*In addition to the daily guest fee
Proper golf attire and appropriate non-metal golf spike footwear are required on the golf courses, driving range and practice areas. Gentlemen are required to wear collared shirts or “mock” collared shirts, slacks or golf length shorts. Ladies shall wear appropriate golf slacks, shorts or golf attire. Ladies shirts must have either a collar or sleeves, or be attire specifically made for golf. Proper golf attire is that which is designed specifically for golf. Midriff, backless attire, tank tops and short shorts are not permitted. Items NOT allowed are:
Cargo pants & shorts
Denim (so called “blue jean” material) of any kind
Workout clothes
Torn or ragged clothes
T- Shirts
Tennis attire
Swim attire
Coaches Shorts
Short Shorts
For a copy of the dress code for the enter club, please click here.
Members, family and guests are required to register at Pro Shop prior to play. A driver’s license or other proper photo identification may be requested of all guests.
Golf play is to begin on the first tee of the first nine holes and then proceed to the tenth tee to complete eighteen holes.
Club Management may direct players to begin play on the second nine holes and thereafter play the first nine holes. Players may also be directed to start on a hole other than the first or tenth hole in order to accommodate a "shotgun start" or similar type of start.
Players that begin on a hole other than the first hole must check with the starter before continuing on to the first tee of the first nine holes.
The driving range opens one-half hour before the first tee time and closes one hour before sundown. The last balls will be issued one hour prior to closing to allow the staff adequate time to pick up, clean and store the balls before nightfall. Members, family and guests are to use the driving range and the practice greens exclusively for practice. Under no circumstance are the tees, greens or fairways of the golf courses to be used as practice areas.
If a playing group of golfers falls one clear hole behind the group in front, the slow group must invite the group behind it to play through or the Marshal may request that the group pick up their balls and proceed forward to the next hole or designated areas. If play is delayed on account of a lost ball, the group playing behind should be invited to play through. Should either of these conditions occur and the group playing behind the slow group or behind the group with the lost ball is not invited to play through, it is the right and privilege of such group playing behind to ask permission to play through. The slow group of players or the group with the lost ball is then required to take positions on the course out of play and shall remain stationary until the invited group has played through. The invited group must play through once the invitation has been received, in order that following groups will not be delayed. A group also must step aside and let the group behind play through any time the course marshal so instructs.
(a) Cameras, including cell phone cameras, are prohibited in the restrooms and locker rooms.
(b) Children three (3) years of age and older are not permitted in opposite sex locker room areas even if supervised.
Children under the age of sixteen (16) years must be certified by the Director of Golf in order to play or practice without being accompanied by a Member. Children may play or practice with a Member or responsible adult at any time.
Children under six (6) years of age are not permitted on the courses or practice areas at any time unless a signed release form is obtained by the Pro Shop from the parent(s) or guardian(s).
Children using the golf facilities as part of an authorized school activity must be closely supervised by responsible school coaches at all times.
Instruction in golf is offered under the supervision of the Director of Golf. If a Member or family member cancels twenty-four (24) hours in advance of a scheduled lesson, no charges will be assessed. If a Member or family member cancels a lesson less than twenty-four (24) hours before the scheduled time of the lesson, or fails to appear for a scheduled lesson, the Member will be charged the lesson rate then in effect. Members, family or guests are not permitted to bring a golf instructor from outside the Club for instructional purposes.
Carts may be operated by anyone sixteen (16) years of age and older, providing that person has a valid driver's license.
Cart rental fees are mandatory unless waived by Club Management.
Members are liable for any personal injury or property damage that results from the use of a cart owned or checked out in their name, a family member’s name or a guest’s name. Members are further liable for any damage to or loss of carts and must pay all repair costs necessitated by their use of a cart.
Carts are to be returned to the staging area, checked in and the keys returned to the staging personnel.
Private carts are limited to the first 250 carts. Privately owned carts may be used on the golf courses at the Club only with the permission of Club Management and subject to such charges, rules and procedures as may be established. Privately owned cart owners are subject to the “Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Sonterra Property Owners Association, Inc.” granting the revocable right to the use of golf carts on the private streets and cart paths of certain subdivisions within Sonterra. Operators of privately owned golf carts must follow all Rules and Regulations prescribed for cart usage. In addition, cart owners must sign and agree to be bound by the conditions contained in the Private Cart Agreement. The “Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Sonterra Property Owners Association, Inc.” is available from Club Management upon request.
The Private Cart Agreement is entered into on a year to year basis and Club Management reserves the right to discontinue usage of private carts at the Club on the anniversary date of the Private Cart Agreement without any liability or obligation to the owner of any private cart. The Private Cart Monthly fee, Single or Family, is payable by owners of private carts and required for all Golf Memberships and is established by Club Management and may be changed on an annual basis. Non-Golf Trail fee is payable by all private cart owners who hold Non-Golf Memberships including Tennis, Social, and Dining. this fee is payable annually in May of that year.
The owner of a private golf cart must list The Club at Sonterra as an additional insured under the owner's liability and property insurance policies, and upon request, shall provide a Certificate of Insurance.
Before a Member may operate a private cart at the Club, the Member must obtain Club Management's approval of the make, model, year and color of the golf cart to be used. Private carts must be maintained to an acceptable level of appearance and operation and Club Management shall be the sole judge of a private cart's acceptability.
Privately owned golf cart owners are subject to all limitations and rules in the “Resolution.” Privately owned golf cart owners and all members of the owner’s family and guests must be familiar with the limitation and rules. These limitation and rules include, but are not limited to the following:
All privately owned golf carts for which a trail fee has been paid to the Club will display a permanently attached decal issued by the Club on the lower left corner of the windshield.
All privately owned golf carts being used while not playing golf, whether going to or from the Club or being used for other purposes, will use the private streets of the Sonterra Property Owners Association, Inc. and will not use the cart paths of the golf course. A map illustrating routes from each Sonterra subdivision to the Club is available from Club Management.
It is the responsibility of the private golf cart operator to ensure that any gate the golf cart operator uses is secured after passing through.
The cart paths and gates are to be used only for golf cart access. Other pedestrian traffic, walker, bicycles, skate boards, roller blades, etc. are prohibited.
Any violation of the above rules may cause penalties as described in the “Resolution.”
Carts are to carry no more than two (2) individuals and two (2) golf bags at any time unless the cart is designed for four (4) individuals and/or four (4) bags. Children under six (6) years of age are not permitted to ride on carts unless the Club has obtained a signed release from the parent(s) or guardian(s).
Walkers are not allowed to ride or “hang on” a cart at any time. Starters are not allowed to drive walkers at any time.
Drivers must read the operating instructions on the cart prior to usage and obey such instructions. No one is to operate a cart with a flat tire, or any other mechanical failure that is apparent or observed.
Pull carts are permitted on the Canyon Creek course only.
Carts are always to be driven on the cart paths. Drivers must observe and obey all signs, stakes, roped‑off areas and other markers used to guide carts. When necessary, carts may be driven to the golf ball only on a ninety degree (90°) angle from the cart path. Carts are not to be driven over sprinkler heads. Cart drivers are to avoid areas that are newly planted, wet or under repair. Carts should not approach any tee, green, green-side bunker or their respective shoulders closer than thirty (30) yards. Carts are to remain on cart paths within thirty (30) yards of any tee or green.
The only times golf carts are permitted to travel against the flow of play are:
After hitting out-of-bounds and returning to the tee.
Picking up a forgotten club.
Medical emergency.
Storm/lightning conditions.
Under the above conditions, it is the driver’s responsibility to make sure that no players are hitting toward the cart going against the flow of play.
Enthusiastically Managed by Encore Leisure Group